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Script and Characters

February 19, 2018

Our group decided a story, about Tune and dolphin, they finally killed each other. And we extended this story and added one more character, which is a female. She is kind of cheating on both Tuna and Dolphin. She also leads us to see the story or telling about what happened between two men. After the first script, we were starting to draw the characters. we want to keep both the features of fish and the action like the human, which means they will swimming like people. Through the discussion, we will use the images of the character created by Edith Zan.

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March 10, 2018

Originally, we only want 3 sets and 3 characters for the whole film. One is the powder room, which will be the beginning of the story.  Also, it will show that "FF" is telling the story in this set. Then, the set change to the bedroom "FF" was sleeping or lying on the bed with "DD". Moreover, the "DD" was thinking about how to kill "TT". The final set is the ocean, "DD" and "TT" will have a gunfight in the sea. In addition, all of the sets are pretend under the water. These three sets are designed and made together, and finally checked by Marisa and Elle which they decided to make these three set dirtier, and glue or put the pieces of stuff together. However, I not quite understand why they make the sets that much dirty, it already does not like the place that someone is using it. 

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Two Sets

April 15, 2018

After holiday. Through the making, we noticed that we need to show FF is kind of cheating on TT, on the screen, then we found we lost a set to show this relationship. Our group also thought that may have an outlook of the club called "LAHIEDRA". Only me and Edith are taking the responsibility for this two sets. Before we start to make the outlook of the club, the rest of group think they just need a really tiny scaled curse ship for the scenes. However, after we finished that ship, they seem not really like it, and they decided to change the scales and the design. Then, the second one we made is really successful, which just a facade of the club instead of the whole structure of the ship. Another set is a corner of the interior, we just using the limit materials, such as plaster bricks or glass bricks.  

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Feedback from all

May 06, 2018

This week our group 11 got crit with group 10, and they did a really brilliant work on this project.

+ Perfect made characters 

+ Clear storyboard

+ Smooth movement

+ I love the facial movement of Owl

+ Also, they are finished filming and editing on time, which means they got great time management. 

From their work, I thought our group could improve on:

+ More facial impression on "DD" or "TT"

+ Using the song to match the movement of the characters

We also got some strength which others thought it​.

+ Beautiful concept (very original and unique)

+ Good texture

+ Great use of light

+ Good detail about smoking and the fishes in the sea

Moreover, we still got something to work on:

+ The Volume of speaking

+ Try to simplify the story

+ Maybe highlight some small amounts of things, when interior to show the underwater.

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May 17, 2018

This is the final feedback for all this project, including the presentation.

First thing first, there are some tips, for the process of the project

> Pre-planning, such as timetable

> Idea or Concept

> Collaboration - attendance

                         - Share workload

                         - Delegate workload

> Experimentation - test everything such as puppets, maquettes, and storyboard.

> Lighting - test on camera

> Simplify

> Practicalities - organize space

> Space - be aware of something might be issued 

> Problem Solving - adapt & change & be flexible

> Tools - have the kit

             - tape stuff down, mark it measure 


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There is also some commend for presentation:

> Label everything

> Confidence Speaking

> Choosing the good image for each slide

> Overview the process

> Using Pecha Kucha temple

> Concise & Details


Moreover, we gather the skills we learned in this project:

> Animating

> Collaboration - value impact

                          - compromise

                          - communicate

> Custom

> Set designing

> Research

> Lighting

> Character design

> Concept drawing

> Modeling & Casting


From this project, I really feel it is different from the other I did before. The most thing makes my satisfaction, that is complete the model or the set I designed as I supposed. However, the thing I found really different from other projects, that is I need to work with others deeply, for a period of time. Then I noticed that the collaboration project is let you learn, how to work with different people with impact thinking and conflict ideas, even sometimes they are unrespect you.

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